Enterprise Framework

Software Solutions in the Enterprise

React Boilerplate - Add State Property to Container

Adding New State Property setting constants, actions, selectors, reducer, index

  • Container/Dashboard/constants.js
    • // Add constant for CHANGE_TAB
      export const CHANGE_TAB = 'boilerplate/Dashboard/CHANGE_TAB';
  • Container/Dashboard/actions.js
    • import { CHANGE_TAB } from './constants';
       * Changes the selected tab of the dashboard
       * @param  {selectedTab} name The new text of the input field
       * @return {object}    An action object with a type of CHANGE_SENSOR
      export function changeTab(selectedTab) {
        const action = {
          type: CHANGE_TAB,
        console.log(`changeTab(${selectedTab})`, action);
        return action;
  • Container/Dashboard/selectors.js
    • // Create a selector that will get selectedTab from State
      const makeSelectSelectedTab = () =>
        createSelector(selectDashboard, dashboardState => 
      // Add makeSelectSelectedTab to export
      export { makeSelectSelectedTab };
  • Container/Dashboard/reducer.js
    • import { CHANGE_TAB } from './constants';
      // The initial state of the App
      export const initialState = fromJS({
        selectedTab: 0
      // Add CHANGE_TAB to reducer
      function dashboardReducer(state = initialState, action) {
        switch (action.type) {
          case CHANGE_TAB:
            // Set selected tab
            return state.set('selectedTab', action.selectedTab);
           return state;
  • Container/Dashboard/index.js
    • import { changeTab } from './actions';
      import { makeSelectSelectedTab } from './selectors';
      class Dashboard extends React.PureComponent {
        handleTabChange = (e, f) => {
        render() {
          return (
      // Add selectedTab, and onChangeTab to propTypes
      DashboardPage.propTypes = {
        loading: PropTypes.bool,
        error: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.bool]),
        repos: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
        onSubmitForm: PropTypes.func,
        selectedTab: PropTypes.number,
        onChangeTab: PropTypes.func,
      // Add onChangeTab method to props, it will be dispatch on calling.
      export function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
        return {
          onChangeTab: selectedTab => {
      // Add selectedTab to props.  It retrieves from selector from state
      const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
        return createStructuredSelector({
            selectedTab: makeSelectSelectedTab(),
            loading: makeSelectLoading(),
            error: makeSelectError(),
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